Segment-Page Storage Functions
local_segment_space_info(tablespacename TEXT, databasename TEXT)
Description: Generates usage information about all extent groups in the tablespace.
Return type:
select * from local_segment_space_info('pg_default', 'postgres'); node_name | extent_size | forknum | total_blocks | meta_data_blocks | used_data_blocks | utilization | high_water_mark -------------------+-------------+---------+--------------+------------------+------------------+-------------+----------------- dn_6001_6002_6003 | 1 | 0 | 16384 | 4157 | 1 | .253784 | 4158 dn_6001_6002_6003 | 8 | 0 | 16384 | 4157 | 8 | .254211 | 4165 (2 rows)
pg_stat_segment_extent_usage(int4 tablespace oid, int4 database oid, int4 extent_type, int4 forknum)
Description: Specifies the usage information of each allocated extent in an extent group returned each time. extent_type indicates the type of the extent group. The value is an integer ranging from 1 to 5. If the value is not within the range, an error is reported. forknum indicates the fork number. The value is an integer ranging from 0 to 4. Currently, only the following values are valid: 0 for data files, 1 for FSM files, and 2 for visibility map files.
Return type:
The value of usage_type is enumerated. The meaning of each value is as follows:
- Non-bucket table segment head: data segment head of a non-hash bucket table
- Non-bucket table fork head: fork segment header of a non-segment-page table
- Data extent: data block
select * from pg_stat_segment_extent_usage((select oid::int4 from pg_tablespace where spcname='pg_default'), (select oid::int4 from pg_database where datname='postgres'), 1, 0); start_block | extent_size | usage_type | ower_location | special_data -------------+-------------+------------------------+---------------+-------------- 4157 | 1 | Data extent | 4294967295 | 0 4158 | 1 | Data extent | 4157 | 0
local_space_shrink(tablespacename TEXT, databasename TEXT)
Description: Shrinks specified physical segment-page space on the current node. Only the currently connected database can be shrank.
Return value: empty
gs_space_shrink(int4 tablespace, int4 database, int4 extent_type, int4 forknum)
Description: Works similar to local_space_shrink, that is, shrinks specified physical segment-page space. However, the parameters are different. The input parameters are the OIDs of the tablespace and database, and the value of extent_type is an integer ranging from 2 to 5. Note: The value 1 of extent_type indicates segment-page metadata. Currently, the physical file that contains the metadata cannot be shrunk. This function is used only by tools. You are not advised to use it directly.
Return value: empty
Description: Displays residual extents on the current node due to faults. Residual extents are classified into two types: segments that are allocated but not used and extents that are allocated but not used. The main difference is that a segment contains multiple extents. During reclamation, all extents in the segment need to be recycled.
Return type:
Extent type. The options are as follows: ALLOC_SEGMENT, DROP_SEGMENT, and SHRINK_EXTENT.
The values of type are described as follows:
ALLOC_SEGMENT: When a user creates a segment-page table and the segment is just allocated but the transaction of creating a table is not committed, the node is faulty. As a result, the segment is not used after being allocated.
DROP_SEGMENT: When a user deletes a segment-page table and the transaction is successfully committed, the bit corresponding to the segment page of the table is not reset and a fault, such as power failure, occurs. As a result, the segment is not used or released.
SHRINK_EXTENT: When a user shrinks a segment-page table and does not release the idle extent, a fault, such as power failure, occurs. As a result, the extent remains and cannot be reused.
select * from pg_stat_remain_segment_info(); space_id | db_id | block_id | type ----------+-------+----------+------ 1663 | 16385| 4156| ALLOC_SEGMENT
pg_free_remain_segment(int4 spaceId, int4 dbId, int4 segmentId)
Description: Releases a specified residual extent. The value must be obtained from the pg_stat_remain_segment_info function. The function verifies input values. If the specified extent is not among the recorded residual extents, an error message is returned. If the specified extent is a single extent, the extent is released independently. If it is a segment, the segment and all extents in the segment are released.
Return value: empty