Global Temporary Table Functions
Description: Displays basic information about a global temporary table specified by the current session.
Parameter: OID of the global temporary table
Return type: record
openGauss=# select * from pg_get_gtt_relstats(74069); relfilenode | relpages | reltuples | relallvisible | relfrozenxid | relminmxid -------------+----------+-----------+---------------+--------------+------------ 74069 | 58 | 13000 | 0 | 11151 | 0 (1 row)
pg_get_gtt_statistics(relOid, attnum, ''::text)
Description: Displays statistics about a single column in a global temporary table specified by the current session.
Parameter: OID and the attnum attribute of the global temporary table
Return type: record
openGauss=# select * from pg_get_gtt_statistics(74069,1,''::text); starelid | starelkind | staattnum | stainherit | stanullfrac | stawidth | stadistinct | stakind1 | stakind2 | stakind3 | stakind4 | stakind5 | staop1 | staop2 | staop3 | staop4 | staop5 | stanumbers1 | stanumbers2 | stanumbers3 | stanu mbers4 | stanumbers5 | stavalues1 | stavalues2 | stavalues3 | stavalues4 | stavalues5 | stadndistinct | staextinfo ----------+------------+-----------+------------+-------------+----------+-------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------ -------+-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+---------------+------------ 74069 | c | 1 | f | 0 | 4 | -1 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 97 | 97 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | {1} | | | | {1,130,260,390,520,650,780,910,1040,1170,1300,1430,1560,1690,1820,1950,2080,2210,2340,2470,2600,2730,2860,2990,3120,3250,3380,3510,3640,3770,3900,4030,4160,4290,4420,4550,4680,4810,4940,5070,5200,5330,5460,5590,57 20,5850,5980,6110,6240,6370,6500,6630,6760,6890,7020,7150,7280,7410,7540,7670,7800,7930,8060,8190,8320,8450,8580,8710,8840,8970,9100,9230,9360,9490,9620,9750,9880,10010,10140,10270,10400,10530,10660,10790,10920,11050,11180,11310,11440,1 1570,11700,11830,11960,12090,12220,12350,12480,12610,12740,12870,13000} | | | | | 0 | (1 row)
Description: Displays PIDs of all threads that are using the specified global temporary table.
Parameter: OID of the global temporary table
Return type: record
openGauss=# select * from pg_gtt_attached_pid(74069); relid | pid -------+----------------- 74069 | 139648170456832 74069 | 139648123270912 (2 rows)
dbe_perf.get_global_full_sql_by_timestamp(start_timestamp timestamp, end_timestamp timestamp)
Description: Obtains full SQL information at the instance level.
Return type: record
Table 1 dbe_perf.get_global_full_sql_by_timestamp parameter description
dbe_perf.get_global_slow_sql_by_timestamp(start_timestamp timestamp, end_timestamp timestamp)
Description: Obtains slow SQL information at the instance level.
Return type: record
Table 2 dbe_perf.get_global_slow_sql_by_timestamp parameter description
statement_detail_decode(detail text, format text, pretty bool)
Parses the details column in a full or slow SQL statement.
Table 3 statement_detail_decode parameter description
Description: Displays the frozen XID of each session.
If the value of pid is 0, the earliest frozen XID of all sessions is displayed.
Parameter: none
Return type: record
openGauss=# select * from pg_list_gtt_relfrozenxids(); pid | relfrozenxid -----------------+-------------- 139648123270912 | 11151 139648170456832 | 11155 0 | 11151 (3 rows)