Records PLPGSQL object (stored procedure, function, package, and package body) compilation information. For details, see the following column description.
When the plsql_show_all_error parameter is enabled, information about PL/PGSQL object compilation success or failure is recorded in this table. When the plsql_show_all_error parameter is disabled, only information about correct compilation is inserted into this table.
The gs_source table records only user-defined original object statements. Even if a user uses ALTER to change the created schema or name, the information in the gs_source table does not change. If the user changes the schema or name of an object, the deleted object still exists in the gs_source table.
The owner in the gs_source table is the user who creates the table, not the user specified when the user creates the stored procedure or package.
By default, row-level security is not configured for the gs_source table in the database. If you want to use the database isolation feature, run the following statement to add row-level security:
ALTER TABLE dbe_pldeveloper.gs_source ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY; CREATE ROW LEVEL SECURITY POLICY all_data_rls ON dbe_pldeveloper.gs_source USING(owner = (select oid from pg_roles where rolname=current_user));
Table 1 DBE_PLDEVELOPER.gs_source columns