Installing PostGIS

You can obtain the PostGIS Extension source code package from PostGIS Extension needs to be compiled and installed by using GCC 7.3. GCC is short for GNU Compiler Collection.

  • During the installation, you can run the make -sj and make install -sj commands to accelerate the compilation. There is a low probability that an installation error occurs when you run the -sj command. If such an error occurs and the installation fails, run the make and make install commands to perform serial installation.
  • Add the following compilation parameter when configuring an ARM-based physical machine: --build=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.


  1. Install the GCC 7.3 compiler. If the GCC 7.3 compiler has been installed in the database instance, skip this step.

    The installation of PostGIS requires the GCC 7.3 compiler. To install the GCC 7.3 compiler, you are advised to install a GCC (containing gcc and g++) in an earlier version and then update it using the GCC 7.3 source code package. If gcc and g++ in an earlier version do not exist in the database instance, you can install them by mounting the OS image. To install the GCC 7.3 compiler, you need to download the gcc-7.3.0, gmp-6.1.0, mpfr-3.1.4, and mpc-1.0.3 packages from:

    To verify the integrity of the installation package, download the .sig and keyring files with the same names as the installation package:

    Run the following command to verify the integrity of the installation package.

    gpg --verify --keyring ./gnu-keyring.gpg your_package_name.sig

    If “Good signature from XXX” is displayed, the installation package is complete.

    1. Log in to any host of the database as the OS user omm.

    2. Create the root GCC installation directory $GAUSSHOME**/gcc** and the code storage directory $GAUSSHOME***/gcc/packages***, and download gcc-7.3.0.tar.gz, gmp-6.1.0.tar.xz, mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz, and mpfr-3.1.4.tar.gz to the $GAUSSHOME***/gcc/packages*** directory.

      mkdir $GAUSSHOME/gcc
      mkdir $GAUSSHOME/gcc/packages
    3. Decompress the downloaded packages.

      cd $GAUSSHOME/gcc/packages
      tar -xzf gcc-7.3.0.tar.gz
      tar -xvJf gmp-6.1.0.tar.xz
      tar -xzf mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz
      tar -xzf mpfr-3.1.4.tar.gz
    4. Create GCC installation directories.

      mkdir $GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0
      mkdir $GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend
      mkdir $GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/gmp-6.1.0
      mkdir $GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/mpfr-3.1.4
      mkdir $GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/mpc-1.0.3
      mkdir $GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/gcc
    5. Install gmp-4.3.2.

      Go to the $GAUSSHOME**/gcc/packages/gmp-6.1.0** directory and run the following command to install GMP:

      cd $GAUSSHOME/gcc/packages/gmp-6.1.0
      ./configure --prefix $GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/gmp-4.3.2
      make -sj
      make install -sj
    6. Install mpfr-2.4.2.

      Go to the $GAUSSHOME**/gcc/packages/mpfr-3.1.4** directory and run the following command to install MPFR:

      cd $GAUSSHOME/gcc/packages/mpfr-3.1.4
      ./configure --prefix $GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/mpfr-3.1.4 --with-gmp=$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/gmp-6.1.0
      make -sj
      make install -sj
    7. Install mpc-1.0.3.

      Go to the $GAUSSHOME**/gcc/packages/mpc-1.0.3** directory and run the following command to install MPC:

      cd $GAUSSHOME/gcc/packages/mpc-1.0.3
      ./configure --prefix=$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/mpc-1.0.3  --with-gmp=$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/gmp-6.1.0 --with-mpfr=$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/mpfr-3.1.4 
      make -sj 
      make install -sj
    8. Install gcc-7.3.0.

      a. Add lib to ~/.bashrc.

      Open the ~/.bashrc file in the Vim editor.

      vim ~/.bashrc

      Add the following content:

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/gmp-6.1.0/lib:$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/mpfr-3.1.4/lib:$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/mpc-1.0.3/lib

      Run the following command to validate the addition:

      source ~/.bashrc

      b. Go to the $GAUSSHOME**/gcc/packages/gcc-7.3.0** directory and run the following command to install GCC:

      cd $GAUSSHOME/gcc/packages/gcc-7.3.0
      ./configure --prefix=$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/gcc -disable-multilib --with-gmp=$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/gmp-6.1.0 -enable-languages=c,c++ --with-mpfr=$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/mpfr-3.1.4 --with-mpc=$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/mpc-1.0.3
      make -sj
      make install -sj

      c. Set environment variables.

      Open the ~/.bashrc file in the Vim editor.

      vim ~/.bashrc

      Add the following content:

      export CC=$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/gcc/bin/gcc
      export CXX=$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/gcc/bin/g++
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/gcc/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      export PATH=$GAUSSHOME/gcc/gcc-7.3.0/depend/gcc/bin:$PATH

      Run the following command to validate the addition:

      source ~/.bashrc
  2. Ensure that zlib has been installed.

    Compiling and installing Libxml2 needs zlib, a lossless data compression library. omm user can run the find /usr/ -name libz.a or find $GAUSSHOME/ -name command to check whether zlib is installed. If libz.a exists, zlib is installed.

    zlib is installed by default during database installation. If zlib is not installed, download it from and install it.

    After the installation is successful, you can find libz.a in /usr/local/lib.

  3. Install autoconf and automake. autoconf and automake are required to compile and install the JSON-C package. If autoconf and automake do not exist in the database instance, you can install them by mounting the OS image.

  4. Install the libraries that PostGIS depends on.

    1. Obtain the PostGIS source code from Save it to the $GAUSSHOME directory. Download the compressed package, decompress it, and rename the folder postgis-xc.

    2. Download the patch file from Save the patch file to the $GAUSSHOME directory and install the patch.

      cd $GAUSSHOME/postgis-xc/
      patch -p1 < $GAUSSHOME/postgis_2.4.2-2.patch 
    3. Download the header file on which PostGIS depends from Save the header file to $GAUSSHOME**/include/postgresql/server/**.

    4. Separately compile GEOS, PROJ, JSON-C, Libxml2, and PostGIS, and generate the corresponding dynamic link libraries. Compiling commands are as follows:

      • Geos

        cd $GAUSSHOME/postgis-xc/geos-3.6.2
        chmod +x ./configure
        ./configure --prefix=$GAUSSHOME/install/geos
        make -sj
        make install -sj
      • Proj

        cd $GAUSSHOME/postgis-xc/proj-4.9.2
        chmod +x ./configure
        ./configure --prefix=$GAUSSHOME/install/proj
        make -sj
        make install -sj
      • JSON-C

        cd $GAUSSHOME/postgis-xc/json-c-json-c-0.12.1-20160607
        chmod +x ./configure
        ./configure --prefix=$GAUSSHOME/install/json
        make -sj
        make install -sj
      • Libxml2

        cd $GAUSSHOME/postgis-xc/libxml2-2.7.1
        chmod +x ./configure
        ./configure --prefix=$GAUSSHOME/install/libxml2
        make -sj
        make install -sj

        In an ARM OS, run the following configure command:

        ./configure --prefix=$GAUSSHOME/install/libxml2 --build=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu 
      • Gdal

        cd $GAUSSHOME/postgis-xc/gdal-1.11.0
        chmod +x ./configure
        chmod +x ./install-sh
        ./configure --prefix=$GAUSSHOME/install/gdal --with-xml2=$GAUSSHOME/install/libxml2/bin/xml2-config --with-geos=$GAUSSHOME/install/geos/bin/geos-config --with-static_proj4=$GAUSSHOME/install/proj CFLAGS='-O2 -fpermissive -pthread'
        make -sj
        make install -sj

        If a message similar to “/home/carrot/data/openGauss-server/third_party/buildtools/gcc/res/lib64/ cannot be found” is displayed during compilation, create a directory, copy to the directory, and run make -sj. (If similar problems occur in, use the same method.)

      • PostGIS

        cd $GAUSSHOME/postgis-xc/postgis-2.4.2
        chmod +x ./configure
        ./configure --prefix=$GAUSSHOME/install/postgis2.4.2 --with-pgconfig=$GAUSSHOME/bin/pg_config --with-projdir=$GAUSSHOME/install/proj --with-geosconfig=$GAUSSHOME/install/geos/bin/geos-config --with-jsondir=$GAUSSHOME/install/json  --with-xml2config=$GAUSSHOME/install/libxml2/bin/xml2-config   --without-raster --without-topology CFLAGS='-O2 -fpermissive -DPGXC  -pthread -D_THREAD_SAFE -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -DMEMORY_CONTEXT_CHECKING -w'  CC=g++
        make -sj
        make install -sj

        If make-sj reports a missing openGauss header, For details, see the postgis installation document in the third_party repository, such as lack of: h storage/file/fio_device.h storage/file/fio_device_com.h ddes/dms/ss_aio.h ddes/dms/ss_dms_recovery.h h ddes/dms/ss_common_attr.h ddes/dms/ss_init.h storage/dss/dss_api_def.h) Names of the seven header files. Copy it to the compiled and installed database in the dest/include directory.

    5. Execute the script file in the $GAUSSHOME**/share/postgis** directory as user omm to distribute those dynamic link libraries to database instance nodes.

      mv $GAUSSHOME/lib/postgresql/ $GAUSSHOME/install/ python $GAUSSHOME/bin/ 1 $GAUSSHOME/install/ $GAUSSHOME/lib/postgresql/ python $GAUSSHOME/bin/ 1 $GAUSSHOME/install/json/lib/ $GAUSSHOME/lib/ python $GAUSSHOME/bin/ 1 $GAUSSHOME/install/geos/lib/ $GAUSSHOME/lib/ python $GAUSSHOME/bin/ 1 $GAUSSHOME/install/proj/lib/ $GAUSSHOME/lib/ python $GAUSSHOME/bin/ 1 $GAUSSHOME/install/geos/lib/ $GAUSSHOME/lib/ python $GAUSSHOME/bin/ 1 $GAUSSHOME/install/postgis2.4.2/lib/ $GAUSSHOME/lib/ python $GAUSSHOME/bin/ 1 $GAUSSHOME/postgis-xc/postgis-2.4.2/postgis--2.4.2.sql $GAUSSHOME/share/postgresql/extension/postgis--2.4.2.sql python $GAUSSHOME/bin/ 1 $GAUSSHOME/postgis-xc/postgis-2.4.2/postgis.control $GAUSSHOME/share/postgresql/extension/postgis.control python $GAUSSHOME/bin/ 1 $GAUSSHOME/bin/pgsql2shp $GAUSSHOME/bin/pgsql2shp python $GAUSSHOME/bin/ 1 $GAUSSHOME/bin/shp2pgsql $GAUSSHOME/bin/shp2pgsql

      After the script is executed, run the following command to delete the $GAUSSHOME**/postgis** directory:

      rm -rf $GAUSSHOME/postgis-xc

      If the GCC 5.4 compiler is no longer necessary, delete the GCC 5.4 installation directory and remove the environment configuration information added during GCC 5.4 installation from the ~/.bashrc file.

      rm -rf $GAUSSHOME/gcc
    6. Restart the database instance.

      gs_om -t stop && gs_om -t start
编组 3备份
    openGauss 2024-10-03 04:45:44