Archiving a Ledger Database


  • You are an audit administrator or a role that has the audit administrator permissions.
  • The database is running properly, and a series of addition, deletion, and modification operations are performed on the tamper-proof database to ensure that operation records are generated in the ledger for query.
  • The storage path audit_directory of audit files has been correctly configured in the database.


  • Currently, the ledger database provides two archiving interfaces: ledger_hist_archive(text… and ledger_gchain_archive(vo…. Only the audit administrator can invoke the ledger database interfaces.

  • The interface for archiving the user history table is pg_catalog.ledger_hist_archive. To archive the table, run the following command:

    SELECT pg_catalog.ledger_hist_archive(schema_name text,table_name text);

    If the archiving is successful, the function returns t. Otherwise, the function returns f.

  • The interface for archiving the global blockchain table is pg_catalog.ledger_gchain_archive. To archive the table, run the following command:

    SELECT pg_catalog.ledger_gchain_archive();

    If the archiving is successful, the function returns t. Otherwise, the function returns f.


  1. Archive a specified user history table.

    openGauss=# SELECT pg_catalog.ledger_hist_archive('ledgernsp', 'usertable');

    The command output is as follows:

    (1 row)

    The user history table is archived as a record:

    openGauss=# SELECT * FROM blockchain.ledgernsp_usertable_hist;
     rec_num |     hash_ins     |     hash_del     |             pre_hash
           3 | e78e75b00d396899 | 8fcd74a8a6a4b484 | fd61cb772033da297d10c4e658e898d7
    (1 row)

    The command output indicates that the user history table of the current node is exported successfully.

  2. Export the global blockchain table.

    openGauss=# SELECT pg_catalog.ledger_gchain_archive();

    The command output is as follows:

    (1 row)

    The global history table will be archived to n (number of user tables) data records by user table:

    openGauss=# SELECT * FROM gs_global_chain;
     blocknum |  dbname  | username |           starttime           | relid |  relnsp   |  relname  |     relhash      |            globalhash            | txcommand
            1 | postgres | libc     | 2021-05-10 19:59:38.619472+08 | 16388 | ledgernsp | usertable | 57c101076694b415 | be82f98ee68b2bc4e375f69209345406 | Archived.
    (1 row)

    The command output indicates that the global blockchain table of the current node is successfully exported.

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    openGauss 2024-10-11 00:55:40