MOT SILO Enhancements

SILO[Comparison: Disk vs. MOT] in its basic algorithm flow outperformed many other ACID-compliant OCCs that we tested in our research experiments. However, in order to make SILO a product-grade mechanism, we had to enhance it with many essential functionalities that were missing in the original design, such as:

  • Added support for interactive mode transactions, where transactions are running SQL by SQL from the client side and not as a single step on the server side
  • Added optimistic inserts
  • Added support for non-unique indexes
  • Added support for read-after-write in transactions so that users can see their own changes before they are committed
  • Added support for lockless cooperative garbage collection
  • Added support for lockless checkpoints
  • Added support for fast recovery
  • Added support for two-phase commit in a distributed deployment

Adding these enhancements without breaking the scalable characteristic of the original SILO was very challenging.

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    openGauss 2024-10-22 00:54:13