NULL indicates unknown data. NULL and 0 cannot be compared because they are not equivalent to each other.

When creating a table, you can specify whether NULL can be stored in a column. For details, see NOT NULL. This section describes the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators.

Create the customer_t1 table. The data in the table is as follows:

openGauss=# SELECT * FROM customer_t1;
 c_customer_sk | c_customer_id | c_first_name | c_last_name | amount
          3869 | hello         | Grace        |             |   1000
          3869 |               | Grace        |             |
          3869 | hello         |              |             |
          6985 | maps          | Joes         |             |   2200
          9976 | world         | James        |             |   5000
          4421 | Admin         | Local        |             |   3000
(6 rows)


In the WHERE clause, locate the column whose value is NULL.

For example, list the column whose c_customer_id is not set to a null value in the customer_t1 table.

openGauss=# SELECT * FROM customer_t1 WHERE c_customer_id IS NOT NULL;
 c_customer_sk | c_customer_id | c_first_name | c_last_name | amount
          3869 | hello         | Grace        |             |   1000
          3869 | hello         |              |             |
          6985 | maps          | Joes         |             |   2200
          9976 | world         | James        |             |   5000
          4421 | Admin         | Local        |             |   3000
(5 rows)


In the WHERE clause, locate the column whose value is NULL.

For example, list the column whose c_customer_id is set to a null value in the customer_t1 table.

openGauss=# SELECT * FROM customer_t1 WHERE c_customer_id IS NULL;
 c_customer_sk | c_customer_id | c_first_name | c_last_name | amount
          3869 |               | Grace        |             |
(1 row)
编组 3备份
    openGauss 2024-07-26 00:59:28