Anonymous Blocks

An anonymous block is one of the character blocks of a stored procedure and has no name. It is generally used for scripts or activities that are not executed frequently.


Figure 1 shows the syntax diagram for an anonymous block.

Figure 1 anonymous_block::=

Details about the syntax diagram are as follows:

  • The execution section of an anonymous block starts with a BEGIN statement, has a break with an END statement, and ends with a semicolon (;). Type a slash (/) and press Enter to execute the statement.

    NOTICE: The terminator “/” must be written in an independent row.

  • The declaration section includes the variable definition, type, and cursor definition.

  • A simplest anonymous block does not execute any commands. At least one statement, even a NULL statement, must be presented in any implementation blocks.

Parameter Description


    Specifies an optional keyword used to begin a DECLARE statement. This keyword can be used to declare a data type, variable, or cursor. The use of this keyword depends on the context in which the block is located.

  • declaration_statements

    Specifies the declaration of a data type, variable, cursor, exception, or procedure whose scope is limited to the block. Each declaration must be terminated with a semicolon (;).


    Specifies the mandatory keyword for introducing an executable section. The section can contain one or more SQL or PL/SQL statements. A BEGIN-END block can contain nested BEGIN-END blocks.

  • execution_statements

    Specifies PL/SQL or SQL statements. Each statement must be terminated with a semicolon (;).

  • END

    Specifies the required keyword for ending a block.


-- Create a null statement block.
openGauss=# BEGIN

-- Create a demonstration table.
openGauss=# CREATE TABLE table1(id1 INT, id2 INT, id3 INT);

-- Use an anonymous block to insert data.
openGauss=# BEGIN
             insert into table1 values(1,2,3);

-- Query the inserted data.
openGauss=# select * from table1;
 id1 | id2 | id3
   1 |   2 |   3
(1 rows)
编组 3备份
    openGauss 2024-07-26 00:59:28