Creating an XML Configuration File

Before installing the openGauss, you need to create the clusterconfig.xml file. The clusterconfig.xml file contains the information about the server where the openGauss is deployed, installation path, IP address, and port number. This file is used to guide how to deploy the openGauss. You need to configure the XML configuration file according to the actual deployment requirements.

The following describes how to create an XML configuration file based on the deployment solution of one primary node and one standby node.

Configuring the Database Name and Directories

The information in bold is only an example. You can replace it as required. Each line of information is commented out.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Overall information -->
  <!-- Database name -->
    <PARAM name="clusterName" value="Sample1" />  
  <!-- Database node name (hostname) -->
    <PARAM name="nodeNames" value="node1,node2" />
  <!-- Node IP addresses corresponding to the node names, respectively -->
    <PARAM name="backIp1s" value=","/>
  <!-- Database installation path -->
    <PARAM name="gaussdbAppPath" value="/opt/huawei/install/app" />
  <!-- Log directory -->
    <PARAM name="gaussdbLogPath" value="/var/log/omm" />
  <!-- Temporary file directory -->
    <PARAM name="tmpMppdbPath" value="/opt/huawei/tmp" />
  <!-- Database tool directory -->
    <PARAM name="gaussdbToolPath" value="/opt/huawei/install/om" />
  <!--Directory of the core file of the database -->
    <PARAM name="corePath" value="/opt/huawei/corefile"/>
<!-- openGauss deployment type. A single-instance cluster is used as an example here, that is, one primary node and multiple standby nodes are deployed. -->
    <PARAM name="clusterType" value="single-inst"/>


  • The /opt/huawei/install/om directory is used to store tools for mutual trust. To avoid permission problems, do not store instance data in the directory.
  • The installation and data directories must be empty or do not exist. Otherwise, the installation may fail.
  • When configuring database instances, ensure that the configured directories are not coupled with each other. This means that the configured directories must not be associated with each other. If any directory is deleted, the other directories will not be deleted accordingly. For example, gaussdbAppPath is /opt/huawei/install/app and gaussdbLogPath is /opt/huawei/install/app/omm. If the directory specified by gaussdbAppPath is deleted, that specified by gaussdbLogPath will also be deleted, causing unexpected problems.
  • If the installation script is required to automatically create installation users, ensure that the configured directories are not coupled with the default user directories created by the system.
  • The openGauss and instance paths cannot contain double backslashes (\\) or the following characters: |;&$<>`'\"{}()[]~*?
  • When configuring the database node name, run the hostname command to obtain the host name of the database node and replace node1 and node2 in the example with the obtained host name.

Table 1 Parameter description

Instance Type



Overall information


openGauss name.


Host name in the openGauss.


Intranet IP address of the host in the backend storage network. All the openGauss hosts communicate with each other on this network.


Installation directory of the openGauss program. This directory must meet the following requirements:

  • The disk space is greater than 1 GB.
  • This directory is independent of other directories required by the database.


Directory that stores run logs and operation logs of the openGauss. This directory must meet the following requirements:

  • You are advised to plan the disk space based on the number of database nodes on the host. Reserve 1 GB space for database nodes and reserve redundant space.
  • This directory is independent of other directories required by the openGauss.

This directory is optional. If the directory is not specified, $GAUSSLOG/Installation username will be specified as the log directory by default during openGauss installation.


Directory for storing temporary database files.

If tmpdbPath is not set, the file is stored in /opt/huawei/wisequery/perfadm_db by default.


Directory for storing openGauss system tools. This directory is used to store tools for mutual trust. This directory must meet the following requirements:

  • The disk space is greater than 100 MB.
  • This directory cannot be changed and is independent of other directories required by the database.

This directory is optional. If this parameter is not specified, /opt/huawei/wisequery is specified as the database system tool directory by default during openGauss installation.


Directory for storing the openGauss core file.


openGauss type cluster type. This parameter is optional.

single-inst indicates the standalone cluster with one primary node and multiple standby nodes.

Configuring the Basic Host Information

NOTE: Each server must contain the following information. The following uses node1 as an example.

The information in bold is only an example. You can replace it as required. Each line of information is commented out.

<!-- Information about node deployment on each server -->
  <!-- Information about the node deployment on node1 -->
<DEVICE sn="1000001">
<!-- Host name of node1 -->
<PARAM name="name" value="node1"/>
<!-- AZ where node1 is located and AZ priority -->
<PARAM name="azName" value="AZ1"/>
<PARAM name="azPriority" value="1"/>
<!-- IP address of node1. If only one NIC is available for the server, set backIP1 and sshIP1 to the same IP address. -->
<PARAM name="backIp1" value=""/>
<PARAM name="sshIp1" value=""/>

Table 1 Parameter description

Instance Type



Overall information


Host name.


AZ name. The value is a character string that cannot contain special characters, for example, AZ1, AZ2, and AZ3.


AZ priority.


Intranet IP address of the host in the backend storage network. All the openGauss hosts communicate with each other on this network.


External IP address of the SSH reliable channel. If no external network is used, you can leave it empty or set it to the value of backIp1.

NOTE: Only one IP address can be configured for all IP parameters (including backIp, sshIp, and listenIp) in the configuration file. Excessive IP addresses are ignored. For example, you can configure backIp1 and backIp2 in the XML configuration file as follows: When the file is parsed, only backIp1 takes effect.

<PARAM name="backIp1" value=""/>
<PARAM name="backIp2" value=""/>

Configuring Primary Database Node Information

The information in bold is only an example. You can replace it as required. Each line of information is commented out.

Configure the following information for the primary database node:

<PARAM name="dataNum" value="1"/>
<!-- Database node port number -->
<PARAM name="dataPortBase" value="26000"/>
<!-- Data directory on the primary database node and data directories of standby nodes -->
<PARAM name="dataNode1" value="/opt/huawei/install/data/db1,node2,/opt/huawei/install/data/db1"/>
<!-- Number of nodes for which the synchronization mode is set on the database node -->
<PARAM name="dataNode1_syncNum" value="0"/>

Table 1 Parameter description

Instance Type





Number of database nodes to be deployed on the current host.


Basic port number of the database node. The default value is 40000.


Directory for storing data of the database nodes on the current host. It is a data storage directory, and should be on a data disk.


Number of nodes in synchronous mode in the current cluster. This parameter is optional. The value ranges from 0 to the number of standby database nodes.

编组 3备份
    openGauss 2024-07-27 00:58:17