Preparing for Installation

This chapter describes how to prepare and configure the openGauss installation environment. Read this chapter carefully before the installation. Go to chapter “Installing the openGauss” if you have completed the configuration in this chapter.

  • Installation Process
    This section describes the openGauss installation process.
  • Obtaining and Verifying an Installation Package
    To prevent network security threats caused by malicious tampering or damage during installation package transfer, verify the integrity of an installation package after obtaining it. Deployment can be started only after the package passes the verification.
  • Preparing the Software and Hardware Installation Environment
    This chapter describes the preparations for the installation.
  • Installation User and User Group
    To minimize the installation account permissions during the installation and ensure system running security of openGauss after the installation, the installation scripts automatically create a user-specified installation user and this user will be used as the administrator for subsequent running and maintenance of the openGauss.
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    openGauss 2024-07-27 00:56:07