Opengauss on Docker

Sample Docker build files to facilitate installation, configuration, and environment setup for DevOps users. For more information about openGasuss please see the opengauss Online Documentation.

How to build and run

This project offers sample Dockerfiles for:

  • opengauss_1.0.0

To assist in building the images, you can use the script. See below for instructions and usage.

The script is just a utility shell script that performs MD5 checks and is an easy way for beginners to get started. Expert users are welcome to directly call docker build with their prefered set of parameters.

Building opengauss Docker Install Images

IMPORTANT: You will have to provide the installation binaries of opengauss and put them into the dockerfiles/<version> folder. You only need to provide the binaries you are going to install. The binaries can be downloaded from the, You also have to make sure to have internet connectivity for yum. Note that you must not uncompress the binaries. The script will handle that for you and fail if you uncompress them manually!

Before you build the image make sure that you have provided the installation binaries and put them into the right folder. go into the dockerfiles folder and run the script:

[omm@localhost dockerfiles]$ ./ -h
Usage: -v [version]  [-i]  [Docker build option]
Builds a Docker Image for opengauss.

-v: version to build
   Choose one of: 1.0.0  SingleInstance  
-i: ignores the MD5 checksums

self-defined parameter

To make openGuass mirroring more flexible, you can set additional parameters.More controllable parameters will be added in the future. The following variables are supported in the current version.


This parameter must be set when you use the openGauss mirror.The parameter value cannot be null or undefined.This parameter sets the password for the openGauss database superuser OMM and the test user Gaussdb.OpenGauss is installed with omM superuser created by default, and this user name cannot be changed temporarily.The test user Gaussdb is a custom created user in [].

The openGauss mirror is configured with a local trust mechanism, so you do not need a password to connect to the database within the container, but you must enter a password if you want to connect from outside the container (another host or another container).

The openGauss password must be more than 8 characters long, and must also contain English letters, Numbers, and special symbols


Specifies that the database node name defaults to gaussdb


Specifies that the database connection user name defaults to gaussdb


Specifies the database port, which defaults to 5432

Architecture And Os Version

x86-64 CentOS7.6
ARM64 openEuler 20.03 LTS

Start Instance

$ docker run --name opengauss --privileged=true -d -e GS_PASSWORD=secretpassword@123 opengauss:1.0.0

Connect To The Container Database From Os

$ docker run −−name opengauss −−privileged=true −d −e GSPASSWORD=secretpassword@123 \
  −p8888:5432 opengauss:1.0.0 gsql -d postgres -U gaussdb -W'secretpassword@123' \
  -h your-host-ip -p8888

Persist Data

$ docker run --name opengauss --privileged=true -d -e GS_PASSWORD=secretpassword@123 \
  -v /opengauss:/var/lib/opengauss opengauss:1.0.0


primary standby install

编组 3备份
    openGauss 2024-07-27 00:56:07