Installation User and User Group

To minimize the installation account permissions during the installation and ensure system running security of openGauss after the installation, the installation scripts automatically create a user-specified installation user and this user will be used as the administrator for subsequent running and maintenance of the openGauss.

User/Group Name





You are advised to plan the user group dbgrp independently.

This user group is specified by the -G parameter in Initializing the Installation Environment. If this user group does not exist, the installation script automatically creates it. Alternatively, you can create the user group before the installation. User permissions are checked when the gs_preinstall script is executed. The gs_preinstall script automatically grants access and execution permissions on the installation directory and data directory to all users in this user group.

Run the following command to create the user group dbgrp:

groupadd dbgrp



You are advised to plan the user omm for openGauss operation and maintenance.

This user is the OS user specified by the -U parameter in Initializing the Installation Environment. If this user exists, delete it or change the initial user. For security purposes, the user group is planned as follows:

Group: dbgrp

During the openGauss installation, when gs_install is executed, a database user omm with the same name as the installation user is created. This user has the highest operation permissions on the database. The initial password of this user is specified by the user.

编组 3备份
    openGauss 2024-07-26 00:56:19